“Perfection”. Yes, or no?
A few nights ago we were out with friends to dine under an outdoor globe. The lights of the clear Phoenix sky sparkled above us like diamonds. The food was warm and yummy. The specialty cocktail surely had fairy magic mixed in it. The little space heater was working overtime to generate heat. The décor was thoughtfully playful while also being borderline chic. The stars beckoned you to wish upon them. The night was still as darkness and wrapped us in its cloak. It was “perfection”.
However, as with most of us, we so easily jump from “perfection” to “imperfection”. As we walked out across the lawn, we took reciprocal photos of the couple who joined us. Arriving home, we sent each other our photos. When ours arrived, I was so disappointed. I was hanging on my husband with what looks like a bear hug. I was tipped at an odd angle. It was the end of a long day and my hair flopped. Seeing this, all I could think about was deleting the photo. I opted to come back and revisit it today.
This morning I saw so much more. Honestly, I don’t see this photo being on our holiday cards. Or do I? When I looked at my sweet husbands smile I was smitten anew. He has the most amazing smile and when he is expressing love his face lights up like a fourth of July sky. And when he puts his arm around me I know I am safe and loved. What I saw this morning in this photo is perfection. A perfectly wonderful night full of good food, ambiance, friendship, laughter, all spent with the love of my life. So, here’s that photo. I hope you see what I see. I hope you have photos just like it.