This Fourth of July reminded me of memories. How do we create them and how do we evoke them both consciously and unconsciously?

Growing up, it was just the three of us and my family didn’t do much of anything for any holiday. No real celebrations, no overt decor etc.. We had the obligatory Christmas tree and I attended an Easter egg hunt. My mom didn’t really believe in decorating or crafting. I don’t think my parents, in line with their generation, were into decorations and festivities. I don’t have many memories of any holiday from my childhood.

Growing up in that manner made me long for traditional celebrations, accompanied by seasonal foods, holiday decorations, music and family.

Each holiday of our marriage I have tried to do something to celebrate the occasion. As our family has grown I’ve tried to incorporate fun, different and delightful foods into our holiday traditions. I have purchased holiday books across the years for my family to read and enjoy. My husband and I have tried to incorporate attending holiday festivities. Additionally, I’ve tried to create decorations which incorporate things our family and friends have made to celebrate the holiday. And yes, we still display our children’s decorations and artwork that they made as children.

This Fourth of July we were lucky enough to have two of our boys and their families at our home to celebrate. As I sat watching & listening to the conversations around me I was reminded that people don’t remember individual foods, scents, decorations or sounds, but rather a combination of all those things. The foods, scents, decorations and sounds combine to create stored memories.

The individuality of sensory items can quickly recall a wonderful memory for each of us. How many times has a smell invoked a memory which brings tears to your eyes or a smile to your lips? Have you ever heard a song which takes you back to a place in your childhood? Do you ever tasted a specific food item and instantly feel transported to a time in your past? Have you ever stood outside in the snow with your tongue out and felt a snowflake land on it only to transport yourself back to a time in childhood when you did the same thing?

It’s always a challenge to get the food on the table, have the right amount of holiday decorations displayed etc., however my belief is it the effort we put into those things results in memories that last long after the individual activity and day. The laughter and love created on that day and in that moment can quickly be recalled via a sensory reminder.

My hope for all of us is that we continue to create memories which can be called forth from our hearts. May we love each other enough to build bridges were none exist and may we always be able to recall our past with love.