Mary is so refreshing and just downright real! If you want to laugh at life while learning about a few products you need to turn in to Mary’s channel. Her title says it all – Glitzy Fritzy. She is honest and kind while being professional.  I think she is awesome and hope you enjoy her wonderful interview! (And comment on this and tell me she made you smile!)

Welcome! I’m very excited to have you as a guest on my blog. I can’t honestly remember how I found your channel, but I can tell you once I did, I subscribed! Your sense of humor and candor are so welcome, especially in our changing times. Please share a bit about how and why you started your channel.

Yvonne, it’s almost comical how my channel came about. I didn’t know when I was making my channel that there were more than 3 other mature beauty channels. I watched those 3 but those ladies were all blonde hair & blue eyes. I honestly thought that I could provide the standpoint of a brown eyed brunette. It was only after I started making videos that I discovered that there were many other mature ladies like myself already on YouTube. 

My journey on YouTube began watching Jaclyn Hill. I had searched how to do eyeshadow after many years of not wearing makeup. What I did when I was younger wasn’t working past 50. After a while of being a “watcher” on YouTube and failing at what I was watching, I thought I could provide some prospective on what I’d learned adapting younger girl tutorials. I just didn’t realize that others had that same idea and were already doing it.

I want to offer my congratulations on your recent collaboration with Sigma.  It was so heartwarming to watch your video as you introduced the new brush set. Several years ago, you mentioned you would like to do a collaboration using foundation and concealer. Are you actively pursuing a collaboration utilizing these products?

Thank you so much Yvonne!  No. I’m not actively pursing anything. I have dreams of course and some I will only tell to God but for now I’m just trying to make the best stand for mature beauty I can. If I can make somebody smile or laugh along the way then for at least that moment I’ll shine a light in what might be a dark place.

 I don’t actually know enough about makeup products to pursue a collaboration. I think that I said that because it’s so hard to find a foundation and concealer that won’t make mature skin look worse. I know many women who as they’ve gotten older have given these products up. I really think companies should be making those products work for mature skin first. If they do that it should please everybody. I’m seeing Wayne Goss take this approach with his line and I give him a standing ovation for that.

 What has been the best moment for you with regard to your Sigma collaboration?

I think it was the moment I realized it wasn’t a joke. You see, I never really dreamed anything like that would happen to me but I do remember when it happened to Jaclyn Hill and then a few others. I thought, “Wow, I wonder what that would be like”.

 When I first got that email from Sigma I was going through the meta data on it looking for who had REALLY sent the email. I thought it must be a joke or I surely had read it wrong. I spent a couple of hours re-reading and trying to make sure it was legit. Once I realized that it was true, I danced like nobody was watching and giggled loudly the whole time. I said yes, and then that wonderful feeling gave way to anxiety and fear! I thought, “I’m so small WHY would they want me?” I thought, “I’m going to look like a fool when people don’t buy this set”. I imagined the set sitting on Sigma for years and feeling like a failure. But even Sigma was shocked how fast they sold out. Praise God, we are on the 3rd restock right now. It’s been an overwhelming journey and I get emotional about all the FAM-ily that have bought them. All of the FAM-ily who use and love them! My little FAM-ily is mighty and have my heart! They really do!

Covid-19 has changed us all. Specific to makeup, what do you see are the new trends given the requirement to continue to mask up? Do you believe this is changing what cosmetic companies are or will offer?

I recently went to the Lancôme, Mac and Sephora counters and that was my first real glimpse since the pandemic started of the impact this has had on shopping for makeup.

Because I wasn’t able to touch and swatch the makeup myself at Sephora or Lancôme, I ended up returning things that I don’t think I would have if I could have swatched it myself. The sales representatives had to swatch the products on themselves for me to see which I felt was only marginally better than seeing it online. I realized at that moment exactly how many decisions I make about products based on how they FEEL to me when I touch them. The difference it makes seeing them on my own skin.

One ritual I would always do in the store is hold a lipstick bullet up covering but not touching my lips so I could see in the mirror what the shade looked like with my coloring. They won’t even let you touch the the items now.

Many companies are offering apps and websites that allow you to try on makeup virtually but I’ve not found it to be effective. Individual device factors can change brightness and color profiles which sway what a person sees. We’ve all experienced this online regarding color. For me the whole purpose of going to the store in person is to get it right and avoid returns.

 I think this approach will increase returns and eventually drive the costs of makeup up even further. I’m also afraid the day will come when my favorite makeup stomping grounds will have to close down and run only online to save themselves.

On the customer side of COVID we are seeing more makeup wearers abandon their makeup because of masking. Why put all that on when nobody can see it?  My viewers tell me all the time that they like to watch me apply makeup but they themselves are focusing less on makeup and more on skincare. This is because of masking! Makeup is my happy place though so I continue to play even if nobody sees it but me.

You have such a great opportunity to help guide and direct women over 50 with the aging process and how to adapt and look amazing! What has been the most rewarding element of your channel while working with this population?

Hands down the people I’ve met along the way. Yvonne, there is no better feeling than the feeling you get when you know that you’ve helped somebody! If you can make somebody’s day better or provided them with something that makes them happy it’s a blessing! I’ve gotten close with several of them. Some also make videos on YouTube. I really feel like I’ve made some real friends within our little Fritzy FAM-ily. I know who my regulars are in the comments too and I can’t wait to read what they have to say after each video…it’s the best part for me. Some of them are hilarious and make me laugh but all of them make my day. We also learn from each other. I’m constantly getting feedback that helps me find answers to things I want to know or just fun little tips that I wouldn’t know otherwise. They love me and I love them and we all love makeup & skincare. 🙂

What are your own top 2 favorite videos and why?

My favorite videos I guess would be ones that I think I’m actually helping somebody to be comforted or learn. Maybe, the video entitled “You’d Be Better Off Without Me” which was a collaboration video giving my insight on the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” and sharing a bit of my own struggles so people know they are not alone. Maybe a video like “Is it Real, Duped or Counterfeit Makeup?” which I think has a lot of good information about the world of faked and harmful makeup verses duped makeup. It differs from my usual swatching and doing a look with a product and brings awareness to a subject I’m passionate about.

What is the one thing you would like to do with or for your subscribers?

I think it would be awesome to have a meet up where I could meet a lot of them but I don’t know how feasible that is. The ultimate would be if we could all book a cruise together! Can you imagine? Talk about the best week ever!!

We all have ‘bloopers’ in our lives. Can you describe the most memorable one you have experienced since starting your YouTube channel?

OMG I have hundreds of videos and I think I’ve been doing “FritzyNESS” bloopers at the end of them for most of my time on YouTube. Lately, I’ve been putting out 3 videos a week so usually I forget about specific bloopers after the video has published. It’s hard to remember them but there is one where I threw a blush behind me and it actually landed in a lit candle! Wax went EVERYWHERE … I remember that one pretty well because it was murder cleaning up all that wax 😉

If you had the opportunity to make over three famous people who would they be and why?

In reality it would be nobody because I’m not a real makeup artist and am not trained to know how to do makeup on other people. I’d be so nervous that I’d mess it up and they’d hate it. HOWEVER IF doing their makeup was the only way I would be able to meet them then I guess I’d pick:

  •  Meryl Streep, because she is my favorite actress and I’d just love to talk with her. Then we’d sing songs from Mama Mia using large powder brushes as microphones.
  • Sandra Bullock, my second favorite actress. She is so witty and down to earth. It would be like the sleepovers when you and your best friend would brush each others hair, play with makeup, and tell each other secrets like whose a better kisser Ryan Reynolds or Keanu Reeves!
  • Cher, because I’ve loved her all my life! She has amazingly deep set eyes & enough lid space that I probably couldn’t up mess her makeup. Her facial structure is easy to follow and she looks amazing in glitter! She’d tell me her secrets of looking fabulous into my 70’s while we played with wigs in platform shoes!

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your 20-year-old self?

 I’d make sure I understood how important a 401K and retirement funds would be in the future and to rethink all the pizza and beer. I’d tell myself not to be superwoman and give 200% of myself to employers who really don’t care if I’m hurt. You can’t just buy a new back 😉

What are the top 1-5 things that we can look forward to from you in 2020-2021?

Don’t hate me here…I don’t really make plans. I just use makeup, review makeup and try to make people laugh. I don’t really have any sort of an outline, script, etc.. I pretty much just fly by the seat of my pants!  I find that when I try to organize and plan things out, I get too serious and then the silly fun of it all goes out the window. I’ve always said I’ll stay and do this as long as I can be me and have fun.

 I do HOPE I will continue to make better content in regards to the best view possible by continually acquiring better equipment. I hope in the future my editing skills will get better as well. I’d like to try and get more interesting filming techniques but right now I’ll settle for remembering to turn on the microphone so I don’t have to keep RE-filming!

Please include any sources that people can use to purchase from you or connect with you.

Thank you, I appreciate your support. You can always support me by watching the videos, liking the videos, sharing the videos so that I grow larger. Our mature community needs to be more relevant. We matter too 😀

I’m also affiliated with amazing companies and do make a commission when you buy or restock things using the links in my description boxes of the videos.

 Lastly, you can donate money directly to me through PayPal using my email . The generous FAM-ily who’ve done this are the heroes that have advanced my equipment this year 😀