Gemma radiates joy and fun! She is a trained aesthetician and approaches things with an eye to heathy products. Her mum, Jan, frequently makes guest appearances and they are a dynamo team. They have a wonderful relationship and if you are under 40 you’ll pick of loads of tips and techniques from Gemma. The over 40 crowd will also pick up scads of tips from her mom. Either way, they are delightful together and Gemma is a informative and fun beauty influencer to follow.

You started your YouTube channel in 2017. Please tell us a little bit about why you chose to start a YouTube channel. (You mentioned your son and his diabetes in a previous video. Please tell us how he is doing today)

To be honest I was in a bit of a dark place back in 2017. Seth was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes a month after his third birthday, and I’d had to stop work to look after him. My whole life revolved around trying to be the perfect wife for Wes, the perfect mum for Seth and Bea and the perfect artificial pancreas for Seth 24/7. I put way too much pressure on myself and was burning out.

I think as a parent we always put our kids first and it took me a long time to realise that it was ok to put me first every now and again. I needed something for me.

I qualified as a Beauty Therapist and Aesthetician many years earlier in 2001. I’ve also always had a passion for makeup and was an avid watcher of youtube, so it seemed the right way to go. My YouTube channel was never supposed to be successful or turn into a career, it was just meant to give me an escape for an hour a day. ? I’m so grateful that it’s worked out, but it still shocks me to the core.  I have the most amazing and supportive subscribers (Wolf Pack) and love every second of my job.

Seth is doing really well at the moment and I’m so proud of the hurdles he’s overcome.

One of the things that people really love about you is the relationship that you have with your mother. How did you initially get her to agree to go in YouTube with you? How has her participation on your YouTube channel changed her and your relationship with her, if at all?

How amazing is my mum??? Honestly she’s the BEST! It didn’t take much for Jan to agree to being a regular guest on Pampered Wolf as she’s an extremely supportive mum and although she’s quite quiet, and doesn’t like to talk a lot on camera I know that the Wolf Pack really appreciate her participation and her opinions. She’s getting much more relaxed whilst filming now, and actually enjoys the experience (but still hates being without makeup on camera). We even changed her Youtube account name to JanMamaWolf and she’s often found replying to comments in the comments section. Although I think we’ve always been close, this has most definitely brought us much closer together,  as it gives us the opportunity to just be silly and enjoy each other’s company.

You mentioned that you no longer feel a need to wear makeup when you go out. Previously you felt that it was “your armor and made you feel empowered”. Why has having a YouTube channel changed your need to wear makeup in public?

I guess wearing makeup was just another way of trying to be perfect all the time and no one ever saw me without it. But it’s hard to avoid being seen without makeup when you’re on a beauty channel, and once I’d done it for the first time on camera and realised that no one had gasped, passed out or died, it just didn’t seem that big of a deal any more. The feeling of shrugging my shoulders and admitting that ‘this is what I look like and I’m ok with that’ was actually quite liberating. I’ve never looked back. In addition, I still love makeup. I love getting ready to go somewhere nice and making myself look more glam…but I no longer see it as a necessity for the school run. Instead of concentrating so much on covering everything over with makeup, I now focus on making my skin look the best it can be. Skincare is key.

You are very honest in your assessment of not only makeup but life situations and relationships. How do you develop your sense of honesty? Has it been difficult to maintain after several years doing YouTube videos?

I tend to overthink every situation so over the years I’ve realised that being honest and true to myself is the best way to get a good night’s sleep. I’m so grateful to have the Wolf Pack….without them I wouldn’t have a job so I owe it to them to be truthful about how I feel.

Since Covid began, what one thing have you been doing  that would surprise most people who know you?

Exercising! I actually quite like it now which will shock quite a lot of people as I’m rather lazy in that department.

You are quite rare on YouTube in that you do not accept sponsored content. What was your decision behind not doing this?

There are so many companies that expect you to sign a contract before you’ve even got your hands on the product. How can I know if I’m going to like something before I’ve even tried it? It’s so frustrating.  I’m by no means saying that other YouTubers opinions can be paid for, but as a viewer it can look that way. So I just decided to turn everything down. It’s a simpler way of doing things. At least people know that if I say I like something it’s the honest truth, but be warned…If Chanel calls….my rulebook might do a runner. ?

If money etc. we’re no consideration, would you live in Paris, New York, the Maldives, or _________ (fill in the blank and why)?

I’m sure they’re all lovely places that I’d love to visit someday, but in my opinion there’s no finer place to live than Yorkshire. It’s so green, every season is beautiful, and the weather keeps us on our toes. The fact that we get all the new product releases about 6 months after everyone else is excruciating, but it’s not worth moving for.

If you could host a makeup session on your channel and include three famous people (living or dead), who would you include and why?

I think the over 40s are under-represented on youtube, and we’re half the audience. We love to feel good and look great and our makeup application and skincare differs from that of a 20 year old. It’s important to adjust as the skin matures and I think my first two choices would allow me to show this whilst having a lot of fun in the process. My first would definitely be Joan Collins! She could teach me a few things, and the fact that she’s always done her own makeup and is still relatively down to earth really appeals to me. Dolly Parton is also a must. My third choice is rather a selfish one. Tom Hardy!!!….I’m not sure if he’d let me do his makeup, but I could brush his beard and maybe we could talk about skincare for a while…I could brush his beard….we could talk about movies….whilst I stare at him…and did I mention I could brush his beard?

Technology or no technology? What do you use most and why (beyond YouTube)? What one piece of technology do you wish you never had to use again and why?

Definitely Technology! I’m a bit of a technophobe when it comes to learning new things. I do try but it doesn’t come naturally to me. I’m the sort of person that spends 10 minutes trying to open the front door with my car key ?‍♀️ In an ideal world I’d never have to use any diabetes kit again. It takes forever to program and get my head around and there tends to be a lot of swearing in the process.

I do love my phone which never seems to leave my hands, and showing my level of sadness I’m actually really excited to buy a cordless vacuum cleaner…I need to get out more!

What do you most want your children to embrace/learn from your YouTube career?

I’d love for them both to be comfortable in their own skin and be happy to be who they are in their own minds. I hope that they end up doing a job that they love not a job that they think they should love. I also hope that they surround themselves with a good crowd, and always be kind regardless of differing opinions. Lastly I hope that they remember that they can be successful and still hold on to their integrity. Money isn’t everything, and hard work pays off.

The European Union (EU) bans over 1,000 toxic ingredients from use in cosmetics. The FDA has banned 11. Why is this important information for consumers in the US? How should consumers worldwide ensure they are utilizing the safest skin care/ cosmetics available today?

It’s so important for everyone to do their own research and know exactly what they’re applying to their skin. It’s so hard for the people in the US as the FDA has a tendency to ban things that are beneficial (like some chemicals within sunscreens) that are readily available to use in the EU and yet not ban the things that are actually toxic. Doing your own research can pose challenging though, as there’s so much misinformation and scaremongering about a lot of ingredients that actually don’t harm the skin at all. Don’t just believe the first thing you read.

What is the most out of character thing you have ever done (besides the self-tanning video)?

The self tanning video showed me to a tee. I still chuckle about it now. I’m mortified to be me on a daily basis but I also find it funny. I get animated whilst waving at a girlfriend and then realise it’s not her and feel a complete idiot, I spend 10 minutes screaming at my car because my car key won’t work and then realise I’m trying to get in the wrong car,  and I can trip over my own shadow, but that’s just me. But to answer your question, Completely not Youtube related, I participated and finished the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge for the JDRF. Climbing 3 massive hills (practically mountains) in just over 13 hours almost finished me off. It’s the hardest, most challenging thing I’ve ever done. Close second was uploading my first ever video on youtube. Third was going camping….it’s just not for me.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I try not to think that far in advance. I do think of the future and make goals, but not that far ahead. It does a lot of people good, but not me.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

My Nanan and Grandad had so many pieces of advice that I cherish to this day. They were complete opposites in personality. They’re now the angels that sit on my shoulders. My Nanan taught me to say how I felt and not hold back. My Grandad taught me to be quiet and contemplate more. “You don’t have to say everything that pops into your head. Some things are best unsaid”…..I’m still working on that one. My Grandad also taught me never to sell myself short. Always buy the house you don’t think you can afford, never settle, and always be kind.

What one piece of advice would you give your 21 year old self?

Looking back to the way I was when I was 21 I’m not sure I’d give myself any advice. Having to struggle and make mistakes has made me the person I am today. By making those mistakes I’m stronger and happier and I appreciate life more.

What are the top 1-5 things that we can look forward to from you in 2020-2021?

  1. SKINCARE SKINCARE AND MORE SKINCARE, a bit of makeup thrown in too, and definitely more of MUM
  2. A crisper more professional format…if I can understand how to do it and hopefully more collaborations with my overseas friends.
  3. A new backdrop to videos. It’s become apparent that I can’t keep working in such a tiny space, so we’re hopefully extending to build me a new room which is exciting.
  4. I’m going to try and make more effort on instagram, and take advantage of their live video functions more often.

Bonus interview with Jan!!

What is your best memory of working with your daughter?
There’s no one specific memory that comes to mind but we have a real giggle during filming especially when things don’t go to plan. We laugh a lot and have great fun. Even though it wasn’t filmed, the day that Gem received her first play button for 100,000 subscribers was a very proud moment for me. 
What are the top skincare tips you would share with women over 40?
  1. Always cleanse your face before you go to bed
  2. Niacinamide works wonders for large pores
  3. Tretinoin is the Creme de la creme for my age
  4. Always wear SPF