Looking for a quick, fun project? Try  this!

Follow these easy directions:

  • I used the smaller clear glass plates from the dollar tree which I believe are 7 1/2 inches round. I found a photo that I liked and printed it off on printer paper to fit the page of a regular piece of paper.
  • i turned the plate over onto the image and traced around it. I then cut the image out just slightly bigger.
  • I put mod podge  all over on the bottom of the plate.  I centered the image, image facing down, away from me, and pressed it down tight. I pushed the image down firmly on  side of the plate next. Please note you will see some wrinkling but it doesn’t show up on the other side. I placed a large amount of mod podge all over the outside image. I use my fingers to push down wrinkles & bubbles. Take special care to make sure that the edges are covered with mod podge as well. I worked with my plate on wax paper and I let it dry in place.
  • Once it was completely dry I turned the plate over and I used an oil based medium point sharpie to line the rim of the plate. I did three coats of this, allowing each layer to dry in between. Once it was completely dry I carefully put another layer of my mod podge  on the back and a very thin layer across the oil on the rim.
  • Note:  These are not food safe and should not be used to serve from. They are only for decoration.