I recently had a group of wonderful friends over for dinner. I love creating entertaining ambience for my guests. Now some of you may say what the heck is that? I believe entertaining ambience involves invoking as many of the senses as possible as part of the dining experience. The smell of great food, the glow of candlelight, the welcoming visual of flowers. The texture of linens, party hats, games and music.

Growing up my mom never really used all her “good stuff” because it was being saved for a “special time.” My mom was always worried about using the good linens because she didn’t want them to get stained. So when she passed away she had a drawer full of perfectly preserved, unused linens. I couldn’t remember a time we spent together that appeared to her to be special enough to use any of the “good things” which include her many beautiful linens.

Now back to my napkins. I have loved napkins forever. I think they add something fun, magical, and certainly utilitarian to any meal. I set my table using cloth napkins whenever I can.

Frequently when I have guests over someone will ask if the intention is to use the linens on the table. I love letting my guests know that my expectation is that they use them with abandon and wipe their face and fingers all over the napkins. Sure, the napkin may become stained. Living creates stains. Stains are a part of daily life and are the reminder that we are alive and living life as imperfectly perfect as we so desire.

My advice to you is to use the napkins and all the “good stuff” every single chance you get. If not now, when?