We’re all designed to live an extraordinary life. Why would we settle for less?  Each one of us have unique talents, skills, and viewpoints. Yet so often we’re told to subjugate those. Or we do so to please others.  Have you ever once heard someone say that their life goal was to be mediocre? Neither have I. If you are not living up to your capabilities, why not?  What is keeping you from being extraordinary? What is stopping you from doing the things that your heart desires? Chances are there’s one answer to all of those questions. You! You’re the one standing in your own way.  I challenge you to become extraordinary. Step into the greatness that you were born into.  Turn the doubts in your head off. Don’t listen to the naysayers. Become the best version of you that is humanly possible.
And I’ll be right there alongside you. Believe me, I have all those fears and doubts and more. But life is short and there are no guarantees for a moment from now. So decide to do something that you’ve wanted to do forever. Have faith in yourself. See yourself as successful and find a way to make your desires happen.

I decided to follow my own advice and I started my own blog! I’m scared of a million things. I’m scared I will succeed, I’m scared I won’t succeed. But at the end of the day I realize everyone reading my blog is just like me. All of us want to find kindred spirits with whom we can connect and share our thoughts and desires. We want to find a place where we can give advice and get advice. We want to find a place where we are accepted and we can accept others.  We want to find a place where laughter and tears are equally acceptable.   I hope you find my blog to be all these things and more. I hope you will contribute, as well as withdraw, what you need.  I look forward to our journey together. Let’s share our “scars and stars”  as we become extraordinary together! Let me know how it goes. I  care.  And I am doing exactly what you are, putting one foot in front of the other and reminding myself that I am entitled to the most extraordinary life possible. Are you with me?

Yvonne Erickson, blogger, entrepreneur, and evolving human